It annoys me that e-cigarettes and vaping are actually grouped together.
I bet I am not the only one who used e-cigarettes as the gateway out of smoking and then, as I researched and learnt a bit more, took the plunge into the world of vaping?
I believe we, as vapers, need to start disassociating ourselves from e-cigs because
- e-cigs can and are being produced and effectively monopolised by big tobacco as they run for their lives to get a new market
- e-cigs COULD potentially be seen as a gateway into smoking although I would still contest this. They do LOOK like cigarettes
- Vapers are developing (or already have) their own sub-culture. Loads of you go into it much further than I do and it's fascinating to be on the edges looking in. I just like trying flavours and buying different mods but many of you drill and coil and wick and build and it's great. This bears little resemblence to someone puffing on a white stick, electronic or otherwise.
- We need to disassociate ourselves from the word 'cigarette'. We aren't smoking, we're vaping. It does nothing to you and is as dangerous as caffeine.
Just my thoughts leyk
Vapers are developing (or already have) their own sub-culture. Loads of you go into it much further than I do and it's fascinating to be on the edges looking in. I just like trying flavours and buying different mods but many of you drill and coil and wick and build and it's great. This bears little resemblence to someone puffing on a white stick, electronic or otherwise. herakles plus tank